As seen on: Fox 5 News, Good Morning Arizona, KOGO 600 AM,
KFQD 750 AM, WTMJ 620 AM, Weston Price Foundation,
The Truth About Cancer - Episode 2
GQ - The Truth About Cancer interviews Dr. Martin Bales on Breast Thermography
Welcome to Pink Image Integrative Breast Health Medical Clinic! We are the leaders in the field of breast thermography research focusing on the effects of hormones on breast health. We specialize in accredited breast thermography in conjunction with eastern and western medicine, eastern and western nutrition, and hormone therapy with an all organic bath and body boutique for complete breast health. These unique medical approaches and ground breaking treatment protocols are discussed in our book "Breast Cancer Boot Camp - Dr. Hobbins's Breast Thermography Revolution." Learn more...
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Pink Image Breast Thermography is firmly rooted in the origins of breast thermography history. Maurice Bales, President of Bales Scientific, invented the first digital infrared camera in 1979, and until 2010 was the only camera FDA approved for breast thermography.
Breast thermography research studies have shown that an abnormal breast thermogram is a definitive marker for potential risk of developing breast cancer, even more significant than family history.
Currently, most other cameras used for breast thermography are FDA approved for ONLY skin temperature variation. These cameras scan a very low number of optical lines, resulting in poor image quality and less detail of the breasts. All breast thermography research was performed on high optical line cameras and because of this low optical line cameras cannot apply the results of this research to their imaging methods. Therefore, it is imperative to obtain breast thermography from practices that utilize high optical line cameras since these images are rich in the details required by the proper interpretation of breast thermography.
The Bales TIP (Thermal Image Processor) camera provides 600 optical lines of resolution, allowing for the most detailed infrared (heat) images of the breast. When imaging breast tissue for potential malignancies, it is important to utilize a high resolution, ultra sensitive infrared camera such as the Bales TIP camera. The Bales Tip FDA approved breast thermography camera had dominated the market for 4 decades. Superior technology is a key factor in certified breast thermography.

              Pink Image's camera is FDA approved for breast thermography.
      Note rich details in images from the Bales TIP 600 optical line camera.

Breast Thermography is a superficial screening procedure which monitors the blood flow in the breasts. Blood vessels can form specific patterns that may signal an abnormality. To view these patterns clearly, it is vital for images to be in black-hot (grey).
         Breasts that may be at risk.
Note unusual vascular pattern seen in       black-hot (reverse grey) image.

Breast Thermography Revolution

By: Wendy Sellens DACM, L.Ac.
Today we women are caught up in
a battle for our breasts and our lives. Every year more of us fall victim to breast cancer while America leads the way with one of the highest occurences of cancers. It is time to take up arms and expose the deceptions of breast health. The propaganda of "staying young" with bio-identical estrogen, flax and soy-based products are literally killing women. If these types of estrogen are truly "healthy" why are breast cancer numbers rising, even amongst men? It is socially challenging to argue that excess estrogen is harmful, but the truth is scary. Join the revolution. Arm yourself with knowledge, with knowledge comes power and with power victory is attainable.